Friday, July 20, 2007


OK this test was so awful. To start things my husband could not come as he was working so my mom took me since I could not drive home. I had the re from hell do my test. This re was the one that gave me the donor egg speech in November. I could not believe it. I was in a nightmare.

Then to make things worse my uterus is tilted and cervix was really high so they had to use a extra long speculum and use lidocaine because of it. I have never experienced pain like that in my life. The pain from my spinal was much less than the hsg.

My left tube was blocked, but had a feeling it was since it looked like it wrapped around my ovary on the u/s. But my right tube is open, so that is the positive thing. So now I know that when I have the lap they will remove my left tube and I will not have pain on that side.

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